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Testimonials from our former campers, who are now our leaders, or Champs. We affectionately call them "Champers!"

Tell Us Your Story

Are you a former camper, intern, champ or volunteer? We'd love to hear from you and how Champions Kids Camp impacted your life.

Please e-mail us at:

From The Professionals
Dr. Zoann Dreyer

Texas Children's Hospital


"Champions Kids Camp lets these special 'survivors' just be kids! For a week...they get to forget about how tough their battles have been. For a week, magic happens through the music they make! And when the week is over, the magic doesn't end!"

Dr. William R. Adams
Camp Psychologist, Ph.D.
Board Certified as a licensed child psychologist for the State of Texas

"Having worked with children for the past 40 years in a professional capacity, Champions Kids Camp is one of the best mental health environments I have been involved with, where the young campers can just be a 'kid' for a week without worrying about doing or saying the wrong thing...they are free to just be themselves without fear."

Holly Pryor


"Working with Champions Kids Camp for the past 20 years, I feel confident in saying this is an experience for children like no other. As a mental health professional, this environment is one that enables growth and healing, allowing kids to be kids. This camp provides an opportunity that is free from worry, focusing on positive influence and FUN."

From The Campers
Age 9

"This camp has changed my life" 

Age 10

"Champions Kids Camp is the best thing that has happened to me so far! Thanks! Lots of love!"

Age 10

"My experience at CKC was really nice and I had a great time ! I had good people with me and I made a lot of good friends and met a lot of nice people there."

Age 8

"We want Champions Kids Camp to be all summer long, not just a week. Cuz its better than Disney World!"

From The Parents
Parent of Camper

"Champions Kids Camp has had such a meaningful impact on our children. Our youngest child was born with a genetic disorder and his care has been the top priority of our lives. His siblings have never complained about missing out on things they normally wouldn't have had to miss out on. CKC allowed all of them the opportunity to be themselves freely and experience things that every child dreams of! They made lasting friendships with other children who may have had other similar experiences. We are so thankful for all of the staff and counselors who go above and beyond for all of the kids to make this camp such a success."

Parent of Camper

"I wanted to take the time to say THANK YOU for giving my daughter the opportunity to be a part of your camp.

After experiencing and being around such positive individuals, I feel she came back with more life and happiness within her. It has also lifted her self esteem.

So again, I say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart."

Parent of Camper

"You saved my child's life."

Parent of Camper

"My daughter attended camp this summer. She had a wonderful time and really looks forward to next year. Thank you so much for giving my daughter such a great and memorable experience after such a hard school year. Just to let you know, I cried and cried the day we attended the ending rally. It was wonderful to see her receive an award for her cabin and just to see her dancing, laughing, and not worrying about her mother being ill. Also, the camp experience for her has helped me heal so much knowing she had a wonderful time at camp. It did help her mature and understand she is not the only child experiencing things in her life. Again, Thank you."

From Our Counselors or "Champs"

Champ & former Camper

"Champions Kids Camp has always been a positive influence in my life. It is truly a life-changing experience. "

Champ & former Camper

"Camp helps me to not have fear and overcome situations that I had gone through that really hurt me. After experiencing and being around such positive individuals, I feel she came back with more life and happiness within her. It has also lifted her self esteem. So again, I say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart."


"I know that GOD and his kindness exist because of what was shown to me each year at Champions Kids Camp"

Champ & former Camper

"The best part about champions kids camp is seeing the campers all start to become friends and bond with one another."

Champ & former Camper

"I think the best part would be giving children the chance to be kids. I’ve seen so many kids come in closed up and barely talking and watching them become the sweetest most outgoing kids is the best thing to ever watch."

Where are they now?

Lauren Dugger

Champ & Former Camper

"I began attending Champions Kids Camp when I was 8 years old because after my parents' divorce, my father was mostly absent and I did not see him at all for about 8 years. When I did see him, there were times that he would become suicidal and lock himself in a bedroom. This was a very scary thing to watch, so I spent a lot of time in court-ordered family therapy. I remember feeling like I could never escape my family problems, even when I was at school. Camp became a place for me to escape, be myself, and relate the other children going through the same things. Even now, at 22 years old, Champions Kids Camp is an escape for me. I graduated from Louisiana State University in May of 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Child and Family Studies. I chose this career path because of what Champions Kids Camp did for me."


Macean Babino

Champ & Former Camper

"I started coming to camp when I was 7 with my brother, Jaylan. My dad was absent from my life beginning around the same time I started attending Champions Kids Camp, because of the things he had done to my mom and the way he treated her.

Even after going to camp for 14 years, that one week out of the year is literally life changing knowing that the campers come and have so much fun enjoying themselves and being stress-free. I am now a freshman at Sam Houston State University studying business and still attend CKC as a champ each year."


Brieyana Lee

Champ & Former Camper

"I was seven years old when I first came to camp. I had an abusive father who abandoned us, and I had been sexually assaulted by my older cousin. I've been a champ for seven of the seventeen years since I've been attending camp. I graduated from Sam Houston State University with a Bachelor of Science in psychology. My dream is to open my own practice as a child psychologist. Champions Kids Camp is one of the main reasons I chose this career path; I always knew I wanted to help kids in some way and CKC showed me that I had a passion for children who had been through trauma. I want to start a non-profit for low-income, minority youth after I have my own practice because of how CKC helped me and other kids growing up."

Contact Us

9711 S Mason Rd.

Ste. 125, Box 305

Richmond, TX 77407


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Champions Kids Camp is a 501(c)(3) Organization #05-0541975

© 2023 Champions Kids Camp

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